Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Crankworx Colorado Super-D

After my late night, post-Firecracker 50 arrival into Winter Park, I get up bright and early for the Super-D, pull my bike out of the Saunders storage unit, and get my bike ready for racin'. After pre-riding the course and finding the starting location, I know this is going to be a bad day.
On any other day, this would have been a great course for me... a long climb up the fireroad to start, some ripping singletrack descent, and a few tough pedaling sections thrown in. But today, after the 50 the day before, I've got no power, very little motivation, and a bad starting spot.

We get the call to start, run to the bikes, and start mashing up the fireroad. In my depleted state, I'm getting passed by little kids, guys on downhill bikes, people on stretchers, a few snails, and pretty much everybody on the course. After they all blow up in the first few hundred yards, I begin to pass a few people, and put in a tough dig right before the singletrack begins. Immediately, I get stuck behind some guy that won't let me by... follow... ask to get by... follow... anger building.... and then he goes down and takes me with him.

After picking myself up, remounting the steed, and getting back under way, I've lost a few more spots... number plate torn and dragging on the front tire, I work my way back up to the group and hammer past them on the short climb up to 5-points. Finally, I have some room to go fast!

Unfortunately, I was so amped up from the whole ordeal, I accidentally clipped a pedal on a rock, rode the stem for a little while, and crashed... again! Not only that, but the same guy I was stuck behind before was now in front of me again. Damn that guy is slow! I follow him for a little while, and finally he lets me pass.... rock down the 300yd. bypass, through the lower part of the downhill, and through the finish line in 18th out of 39... not the best showing, but still a great race after 2 crashes! Hopefully WP will start doing more of these!!!

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